I'll be there for the Avalon Reunion!
September 16-18, 2011
-Already registered? Click here to pay/order.

Telephone: Cell :

Mailing Address:

City: State: Postal Code: Country:

I/We'll be there for:

Meet & Greet/Sundaes at the Laffeys ~ Friday September 16 ($2.00 - $7.00)
Saturday: Lunch at the Farnham's ~ Saturday September 17 ($3.00-$12.50)
Dinner at the Cohen's at Avalon Point ~ Saturday September 17 ($16.50-$22.50)
Farewell Coffee & Donuts ~ Sunday September 18 (No Charge)

**You'll be given the option to pay online with a credit card or mail a personal check after registering.**
** Costs vary for those wanting Water/Soda or Beer/Wine for beverages or the type of box lunch ordered for Saturday.**

I am interested in sailing Saturday morning: (optional)
I sail regularly Haven't sailed in years... Not a sailor, but now is the time to start! Other:
Jill Abrams Klein will be able to provide details on cost, times, etc. once we gauge interest.

I'll be staying:
(optional but it will allow people to find out where you are!)
If you're looking for a place to stay, we recommend
the Chatham Highlander (Main Street ~ Chatham ~ 1-877-945-9038)

Notes or Additional Requests: