SAVE THE DATE! September 16-18, 2011

Join us on the Cape for an Avalon Reunion!


Looking for a place to stay???
We are encouraging people to stay at
The Chatham Highlander
946 Main Street (Route 28) :: Chatham, Cape Cod, MA 02633
(508) 945-9038 or TOLL-FREE 1-877-945-9038

They have been very gracious and accomadating -- and PBM has not...

Laff has the date on his calendar -- and you should too!  Save the date now and plan to come down to the Cape the 16-18th for a Camp Avalon Reunion.

The schedule of events is still in the works, but it will be kept casual and welcoming to all.  Preliminary plans are for a Meet & Greet on Friday night, lunch on Saturday and a buffet/heavy hors d'oeuvre type dinner on Saturday evening.  Traditionally we have had donuts and coffee Sunday morning to give folks who have spent the weekend a time for goodbyes.

We've made a new private forum to let people check in and find out who is attending, find old friends and post news of their doings.  Avalon also has an active group on Facebook (Groups: Camp Avalon); however, it is open to the public and requires a Facebook account.   Use them both!  Use Facebook to find each other and the forum to share plans with others who were at Camp while you were. 

Save the date! September 16-18, 2011